• my heart feals broken by the day
    y cant i just say wat i wanna say

    mabey im 2 shy
    y cant i just say hi??

    i wish i can tell u how i feal
    but i bet we wont heal

    with both wat we went throw
    i wish i was there 4 u

    i really wanna take it all away
    make u happy when u got ur first pay

    but both r lives r still fillied with stress
    i want it all 2 go 2 rest

    but 2 see u like this
    hiding urself away

    like i do everyday
    it makes me feal like i can help

    cuz both of us need 2 melt all these trobles away
    & find that person that is ment 2 stay

    wat i really wanna say ish

    i loves u,
    i needs u.
    i want 2 be there 4 u,

    my 1 and only love