• I want to runaway
    I need to leave this place.
    Since I've been here
    I've attempted suicide
    and thought of it often

    I try asking for help
    but help never comes
    I'm always left there waiting
    waiting for someone to save me
    I am tired of saving myself

    I look back to last year
    and I realize; I have fallen so far
    yet have made myself so much stronger
    Able to handle more pain
    than any mind should have to

    Everytime I reach for the razor
    Everytime I reach for the pills
    Everytime I fill the tub with water
    Everytime I wrap my hands around my neck
    Everytime I fail

    Eight months I've been like this
    Everyday I push through
    Too often if you ask me
    I am making myself stronger
    I'm tired of strengthening myself

    My latest idea; Running away
    I constantly have hopes for this
    that this plan will accually work,
    yet I often enough I am reminded of how it may not
    filling my heart with hopelessness

    I'd like to enjoy my childhood
    Not have it be filled with
    Going back and forth
    Riding an emotional roller coaster
    Faking a smile everyday

    How is this fair?
    Out of all the people in the world
    I got stuck with a mother who thinks she has to win
    A father who I can't recall any great memories
    A brother who misinterpurtes everything I say

    Out of all the places in the world
    I got trapped in a place with no oppertunity
    Seeing people day to day
    who don't really give a damn about me
    People caught up in their own little worlds

    There is so much I want to do
    So much I want to live for
    So many things that can put a smile on my face
    Yet there is so much pain
    so much not worth the pain it causes

    Running away is my last option
    My last option where I still live
    I can handle myself
    But I can barely you
    because you can't begin to handle me