• When she's gone,
    I cry
    I am alone
    I am half empty

    When I am without her
    I am slow
    I cannot think
    I cannot breath

    When I walk away
    I feel horrible
    I feel empty
    ...half empty

    For she is my other half
    She is part of me
    We are one
    and when one is gone
    half is left

    And I am half empty.

    When we are together
    I am whole
    I am happy
    I smile with glee

    When we touch
    I am filled with happiness
    I am filled with love

    When we kiss
    I feel our bond
    I am in the moment


    When we are apart
    It is hard to exist
    It is hard to breath
    It is hard to get on
    It feels impossible to move

    When I call her
    I get some of that back
    I get happiness
    I get a part of me
    I get my one and only love

    But when she is gone

    I am Half empty.........