• I am myself, a personal perception of an amalgamation of ideas contained in a shell of flesh. Within myself I see many Me’s and these Me’s are known.

    There is a me I know which is empathetic, compassionate, aspiring to be the true friend. This me I know has learned to listen, has learned to be patient, and learned kindness. This me gives and asks nothing in return, save a kind word or a smile.

    There is a me I know who loves sensation, who revels in pleasures of body and mind. He is loath to think of what death may bring, for he wishes to forever continue in his pursuit of decadence.

    One of me is studious and hard working. He pays attention in class and makes sure work gets done. But for all his trouble the rest of me is forgetful and all his efforts get lost in the dark.

    And there are some Me’s that scare the rest of us, born from human’s basest desires. They live in the darkest realms of the psyche and show themselves when they are least required:
    Greed-constantly wanting more
    Revenge-hungering to even the score
    Anger-yelling so loudly that nobody stays,
    And manipulation-the worst of these scandalous ways.

    All these Me’s make I.
    Who am I?
    I’m Nephillim