• Looking back on those times, from 8 years on
    The world changed into a mean place, full of woe and wrong
    I came to the conclusion that devils do exist
    That Angels would never save me in a pinch
    Where life was more complicated than that planned out dream
    Or the fact that talking to a girl racked my nerves, made me weak

    As I walked through the valley of corruption and woe
    My wonderlust memories bring me up and down as I delve deeper on
    Past a place called forever more, and more to a place like Hell on Earth
    I began to believe there was no saving thought
    The world born to simply be a rut
    A wrinkle that could never be pressed
    That could only be shot, put down in a grave and laid to rest
    But as I stand today, left with a button pressed
    I can honestly say that my head isn't so much a mess

    A clear thought brazen on my lips
    Revolution stirs in these joints, but never gone to the fingertips
    The world is more worth living for than bullshit like this
    I got to stand on my own two feet, my head cleared from this mist

    So as I dance in my wonderlust thoughts
    Looking back on the world, I can finally smile, once and for all
    This ugly world is my world, one I can't escape
    But with a little magic, even I can turn it into more than a place
    More than a little knife could ever hope to do
    Or giving into a system that fails to be all true
    These thoughts of suicide left in a gutter, to slowly be washed away
    Standing on these two wobbly feet, I can say I am alive again.

    Never to be the same
    Wonderlust memories feeding the fuel of change