• My Mind, My Dreams

    I awaken in the darkest corners of my own mind
    I set sail upon the sea only to find
    that i am plummeting into the darkest chasm of my mind

    I awaken in the darkest corners of my own mind
    for all the years i search and cannot find
    the exit to this cloudy and hectic maze for which i pine

    I awaken in the darkest corners of my own mind
    still the skys tears fell, but this time the wind was kind.
    It would dance,dance,dance and unwind

    I awaken in the darkest corners of my own mind
    I saw this sacred world alight,
    this world of gold illusions designed
    "go forth and plunder." Wailed the voices of mankind.

    i awaken in the darkest cornners of my own mind
    and before i know it i have fallen once more into the maze.
    A maze of pink puffy clouds, rivers of gold, mountains of fire, vines of ice, emerald fields, and all my hearts desires.
    I have fallen into this maze in which i am always confined

    I awaken in the darkest corners of my own mind
    to a place where i am happy being blind
    a place where i can be comforted by lies
    and everything is undefined

    A place that is no ones but mine.