• Torn, ripped,
    hellish, angelic?
    Which of these paths do i adorn,
    Devil, angel?
    Evil, good, both of an equal cause?

    Killing, slaughtering,
    A beast of hell, no limits at all?
    Such a contenting, violent emotion?
    Rapidly soaring, hungry for more,
    Is this and option i wonder?
    Hacking, laughing,
    Both out of sheer,grim pleasure in murder?

    Blessing, white,
    A messenger of joy,
    Happily gliding along?
    No grudges, no sins,
    How can I resist?
    Graceful, carefree,insisting on good,
    likewise, decently poor?

    Torn, ripped,
    How can I decide?
    My soul is of value for each of these sides,
    none will prevail,yet none will wither

    Torn, ripped,
    An impossible selection.