• There are times,
    Durring my daily life,
    When i feel sorry,
    For things,
    Many people would not,
    Like those sheets of paper towels,
    That lie at the foot of the trash,
    Either damp, wet, or wrinkled,
    From lying there too long,
    I feel sorry for them,
    Who did not reach where they headed,
    Because of those,
    By whom they were wetted,

    And as I look back,
    I am reminded of more,
    Things that many may not,
    But I feel sorry for,
    Like the plant that's tipped over,
    From a great wind or storm,
    Or an ant in the water,
    Who never did anything wrong,
    I feel sorry for those,
    As much as I can be,
    But I sometimes wonder,
    If they feel sorry for me.