• This river flows, a river of blue
    Sad and lonely, full of longing
    I sit at its bank, looking through
    I see my reflection, without you

    Why must it always be
    That everything reminds me?
    Reminds me that I'm no longer yours
    Every step leads to another place
    I place I was with you

    Misery is my new name
    After you, what I became
    And if you were to take me back
    I would run back to you
    Without second thought

    You were my first and only love
    My best friend, all that I've got
    But your presence crumbled before me
    Leaving me broken and lonely
    Lost with nowhere and no one to go to
    Lost because I am without you

    This reflection I see
    Is not of me
    At least not who
    I used to be

    Eyes hollow
    Like those of a corpse
    Drenched in sorrow
    With no remorse

    Is this what you've left me to become?
    One with the earth and all its scum
    Torn to pieces
    Unable to find myself
    With no heart to feel
    Nothing left of me at all

    You've robbed me of
    My heart, my mind, my smile
    You've robbed me of the innocence
    Withina child

    And what you have taken
    Can never be returned
    It remains a ghost
    Of whatI have learned

    Because of you
    Never can I trust another soul
    Nevercan I open myself up again
    To a world so cold

    And never again will I love
    The same that I do
    How can I ever love someone
    The way I loved you?