• When flowers bloom and blossoms blow,
    One box stands alone.
    When night passes and day is here,
    This box stands alone.

    Left in the open, this box stands,
    Without any fair care.
    It's card board base slowly grows weak,
    As the rain beats down.

    It's beautiful, sturdy browness,
    Slowly starts to fade.
    This box is I, withered and faded,
    With no care, no love.

    When flowers bloom and blossoms blow,
    One girl stands alone.
    When night passes and day is here,
    This girl stands alone.

    When night passes and day is here,
    This girl stands alone.

    Left in the open, this girl stands,
    Without any fair care.
    Her dark hair begins to lighten,
    As the rain beats down.

    Her delicately formed body,
    Slowly begins to thin.
    This girl has withered and faded,
    But forever, her spirit remains.