• Hi my name is Miss. Smartypants
    And whatever you ask me I already know
    Don't tell me an answer I don't need to know

    I'll tell you one thing that I can do for you miss
    I can teach you every step on how you can kiss
    A leap in the heart a crossing or dot

    As I was saying I'm like so smart that I would do this in an enclosed little pot
    I'll teach you these things on my hands and my knees
    Just Remember to say thank you and please!

    Six Days a week, five days a night
    I can teach while your a mile out'a sight
    Don't be afraid of a wack job like me
    I can teach how to be the top queen of a Bee

    So now you see you can learn to be as smart as me
    It'll take a few seconds just 1, 2, 3
    let's go i can teach you but I cannot preach you
    Still an education like mine is something you can do