• There once was a man who needed to see.
    What food would fill the people with glee.
    So he looked and he searched.
    And found 4 things to try.
    Then he would find out what is the best and why.

    One person said this
    A bottle of whiskey
    And a bottle of wine
    Will make everything else
    Seem so fine

    Another had said:
    Oh what is there to choose
    Then a loaf of bread
    Just dont make it too stale
    Or it can hurt on the head

    And another had said
    Yummy fruit
    So delicious and sweet
    Will quench your thirst
    It's healthier then meat

    But the last said
    A tasty dessert
    What is there to choose?
    Its a delicacy to all
    why not try A delicious mousse

    And so the man had tasted and tried
    It all tasted good
    Yet he pouted and cried
    All were so good, choosing one would be rude

    So he thought and he thought and had an idea
    Why not try this at least
    Mix it all together
    And make a delicious feast!

    And so the people had dined that day.
    They were surprised to see all the food
    But when they ate it all
    They slept that night with a full stomach and a happy mood.