• I try. I really do. I can't seem to shake my mind from this. This feeling is so indescribable.
    Happy then sad...to live then want to die. I'm a mess.

    Still, those memories. They are who I am. Take them away and you take a part of me. Remembering is my right. Those that are unforgettable will never be forgotten. I cherish them as I would my own children.

    Love is who I am except it has no torso. Its memories produce happiness, its memories produce heartache. Memories that will, regardless, be remembered and a few that I wish to forget but can never do so.

    You all who are experiencing the joys of love, I hope it continues and last forever. Those who are going through heartache, don't let it get the best of you. And to those of you who have yet to, be cautious. Be prepared for whatever may come your way.

    Daniel was my happiness. Wilfredo was my heartache. Michael I have yet to completely come to experience. I was not prepared for love. It hit me hard in all directions. I can't say that I regret any of it.

    True, most of the time, LOVE SUCKS.