• I am forgotten
    memories carried on the wind
    I am a forsaken being
    Ive been born unto this cold cruel world...

    When I speak...
    are you able to hear my voice?
    Or do you tune me out...
    as I scream and shout...

    My face... is it familiar?
    Can you see my smile
    or even hear my laugh?
    Am I really just a phantom from your past?

    Fading into the background...
    this cold unloving world consumes me
    The darkness all around
    Its to much to bear...

    Silently screaming
    am I really unable to be heard?
    I never receive a reply
    making me wonder why...

    Why cant you see me?
    Why cant you hear me?
    Do you even remember me?
    Am I really just a forgotten memory?