• You've been there for what seems like forever
    Never leaving me, never causing me harm
    Always right here when I've needed you
    I'm sorry I haven't treated you so fairly

    You've been my Knight for years
    Me never seeing it of course
    You come to my rescue, always
    Forever there when I need you

    My shoulder to cry on, to lean upon
    The one to dry the tears from my eyes
    You've never judged me, only giving advice
    Helping me through it all, through everything

    Loving me while I fell for others
    Waiting, hurting yourself to help me
    I think about it now, about all of it
    Again thank you for all you've done

    For everything you mean to me
    I thank you for being my Baeldeth
    For all these years, watching over me
    Everyday since we've met, I've had you

    Hating to hurt you, I've denied it
    Choosing to think otherwise
    But I was hurting you, still am
    Seeing it so clearly now

    My wings have taken me near and far
    Always returning me to this place
    Bringing me back down the road from you
    But then I leave again, bringing your heart

    I take it with me everywhere I go
    Not once trying to, but it follows me
    Mine flying on wings of it's own
    Getting scarred, battered, and burned

    Still you're here for me when I come crying
    Always and forever, loving me with everything
    I love you for all of it, in so many ways
    I'm sorry I can't return what you feel

    I'll always be here for you, you know this
    Just as you'll always be my Knight, my friend
    But that's all I can return right now... For you see
    My heart lays bleeding at someone else's Door