• To you, the most beatiful gal I know

    It's nothing scientific that makes my heartbeat skip, then falter its steps
    It's nothing about the temperature that makes that one drop of sweat linger sweatdrop
    It's nothing mental that makes the brain loose its power of deduction stressed
    It's nothing emotional that makes me feel all this feelings at once

    It is something more, something that allures in the most intimate of ways;
    and makes all things, like sanity or life itself, seem so trivial
    It is something more, something that hums the most addictive of tunes;
    and makes all other sounds, like Hip Hop or voice itself, seem like white noise

    They say poetry best blossoms under rhymes and what-nots
    They also say beauty is what turns most eyes to look twice or thrice
    I still don't know who they are, let alone if there's are truths
    I do know however, that your beauty may show outside
    but in truth it, well hidden but dazzling, overflows on the inside

    Feel appreciated heart