• Remembering The Past, Remembering You

    The feel of your hands pulling me close,
    The contours of your chest under my fingers,
    My arms finding your back, oh the sweet embrace,
    With my head on your shoulder,
    I feel your warm breeze on my cheeks,
    The silent thump of your chest grows, as with mine,
    Louder and stronger but steady with each beat,
    Slowly i open my eyes and they quickly meet yours,
    The silent thump turns to a bump,
    The pace quickens but our eyes never weaver,
    Our eyes and our hands both pulling us close,
    I feel your breath on my face,
    As the rising and falling of your chest quickens,
    Our eyes send voices of longing and anticipation,
    A hand moves to my back the other cradles my face,
    You hand graze my face and fingertips encircles my lips,,
    Sending a chill through my body i close my eyes,
    My breath becomes longer and deeper,
    My arms wrapped around your neck,
    Your hand on my back tightens and pulls me closer,
    I open my eyes and I'm lost in a sea of beautiful brown,
    Our eyes pull us closer,
    I breath in your breath and you do mine,
    Just before our lips meet you say three words,
    I reply with the same three "i love you",
    Our lips meet, they part,
    And nothing else matters but you.