• It’s too late to say sorry
    Just can’t accept your apology
    Unfortunately it’s too late
    My heart is locked
    My trust betrayed

    You never see my side
    Always find a way to twist the story
    To find fault in all I say
    The blame is placed on me

    Choosing sides
    Seems simple to you –
    Anyone but me
    The other is always right
    And my words mean nothing

    Each one a whisper of a ghost,
    A nonsense buzzing,
    The whistle of the breeze
    Each phrase an insignificant mumble,
    Childish and naïve

    Each sentence is a lie,
    A made-up dream,
    A fairytale story,
    Nightmare from the dark,
    A daydream fantasy

    Take the other side
    Believe all they say
    Each word, each phrase,
    Every single breath

    Doesn’t matter that it’s all lies,
    Fabricated drivel,
    The gibberish seems to make perfect sense
    Trusting the hot air that they breathe
    But never me

    Now, finally,
    After an eternity,
    You accept me
    And know how wrong you were,
    But I can’t take how you treated me,
    It was too much

    You blew your chance long ago
    Ages have past,
    And we can’t go back
    To reverse what happened

    I am too shattered,
    Deceived and backstabbed
    Your apology is way overdue
    The door has closed
    And I can accept your words no more