• Roses are red, so is my wrist

    Here’s all my love, with a slight twist

    Razorblades draw scarlet pictures while I drink my booze

    Downing nine or ten pills, what have I to lose?

    I’m laughing as blood spills to the floor

    Yet it leaves me empty and wanting some more

    Tears stream down my face and I’m wanting to die

    ******** the “it’ll get better.” I know that’s a lie.

    I don’t know anymore if this fake or for real

    Can’t trust what I see, and can’t believe what I feel

    Sinking deeper and deeper into my fears

    Drowning in all of the pain and the tears

    A fire is burning inside of my chest

    Pleasure to pain, but pain none the less.

    The ache of so many memories fading away,

    And the long lonely night to the bright brutal day

    My heart is so hard it feels like solid stone

    It beats to remind me that I’m forever alone

    Hope is lost in the chaotic disaster of my life

    Brimming over with anguish, guilt, hurt and strife

    Such a long road I’ve walked, so much blood I have bled,

    To at the end of my odyssey simply drop dead

    My life is a pointless journey, meaningless in my mind,

    There’s nothing I can do with it, there’s nothing to find.

    It’s an illusion of me living to become nothing but dust

    Full of brokenness, painful memories, death and marred trust

    I look back down at my bleeding arm and raise my blade high

    And for one final time I shed a black tear and breathe a shuddering sigh.

    Then I dutifully slice open my veins and watch the life pour out red,

    And laughing as my vision bleeds away, I’m suddenly dead.

    Blood on the tile and a smile on my lips as a last goodbye,

    A happy departure from this earth, what a blessing to finally die.

    Too long did I delay my torture, wasted too much time.

    But now I’m finally happy, your suicidal valentine.