• Enough is enough; I can't wait that long,
    I thought I'd find you but I know now I'm wrong,
    But I won't keep waiting for you to come tell me that I'm not a horrible man,
    No I won't keep waiting for somone to tell me I'm good, when I already am!

    I don't need a chance, cause now I'm done shedding my tears,
    I won't give one glance and mope about all of those wasted years,
    I'll wear my mask once again, but things will not be the same,
    And so you ask,"How can you do it?" BECAUSE MY LIFE ISN'T YOUR GAME!

    I'll fall down again, and walk through the fire, but I won't be showing my pain,
    Finish me off; I don't even care, because this sorrow will drive me insane!
    I'm selling my pride to the highest bidder, it will serve them better than me,
    I'll come out of hiding and shatter the walls and wake up this crumbling SOCIETY!

    I don't need a chance, cause now I'm done shedding my tears,
    I won't give one glance and mope about all of those wasted years,
    I'll wear my mask once again, but things will not be the same,
    And so you ask,"How can you do it?" BECAUSE MY LIFE ISN'T YOUR GAME!

    Show me a reason why I'm wrong, and I'll show you one of your lies,
    No I won't listen and abandone my ways for another compromise,
    The time for running is long past due, so all I can do is stay,
    If you won't let me go where I belong, then I guess I will go my own way.