• Take My Hand

    Take my hand
    Hold it tight
    Everything will be alright

    Your sufferings will end
    When your hand is in mine
    Everything will be rendered fine

    I love you, dear
    I always will
    Everything will stand still

    Hold me close
    Kiss my lips
    My heart shutters and then it slips

    Down it goes
    Into your hands, it falls
    Into my ear, my loved one calls

    Saying my name softly
    I close my tired eyes
    Wanting no more than this subtle surprise

    You caress me carefully
    Making me look at your beautiful face
    As our hands interlace

    Loving words
    Whispered in my ear
    You tell me not to be afraid; not to fear

    The future is a mystery
    So take my hand and help me
    Make memories to set me free

    The past is gone
    No longer does it haunt my dreams
    No longer do you hear my silent screams

    The present is now
    My hand in yours, I cry
    I can’t stop wondering why

    This feels too right
    Something has to be wrong
    Because I have never belonged

    I thought that I’d never find love
    But, again I was wrong
    With you does my heart belong

    The memories that we’ve shared
    I could never take away
    In your arms do I lay

    I don’t want to be alone
    But I’m just a kid and no one ever cared
    About how a lonely child fared

    I was alone
    I met you by chance
    No one had to tell me; I knew by the first glance

    In your arms
    Do I sleep
    I am yours forever, for you to keep

    I’ll say it again
    I love you a lot
    Even though no one won the battles we’ve fought

    Together we belong
    Forever we’ll stay
    I wouldn’t have it any other way