• Wheeze
    by mexicantacos2003

    Pity me, oh pity me
    woe is me for I lost thee.
    Yes, the last option lost
    like a bumblebee; fumbled.
    Play on words cause friction where I go
    and where do I go from where I'm from?
    These words make magic hesitate,
    form deformed images of puzzles
    and muzzles of de-formative traits
    like eliphantitis or "getting bigger today" syndrome.
    So, keep reading my precious,
    for Gollum is close by, precious,
    and Gollum likes his fresssh meat.
    And every word you take in
    is like a blow to the head;
    severe head trauma and murder at stake.
    No, don't stop skimming the words
    because the literature worlds
    are more worlds apart,
    like two ants in two anthills
    2 miles that far, 6 feet in the deep,
    two graverobbers graverobbing the yard,
    where there is plenty to eat.
    So what do you seep?
    For who do you sleep?
    and every whacked rhyme I make
    you just annoyed I got beef.
    All the burgers you eat,
    make hundreds of pounds
    go through the shitters and clog all the seas.
    You truly respect all the s**t that you get
    every time that I come, you're just mad that I'm dead.
    Oops, I meant to say deaf.
    or should I say deaf to stupidity?
    Sometimes words form out of
    Yes, the one form the movie
    the one that is Dogma
    and that is truly unruly.
    So keep feeling the beat
    and the rhyme in your head
    you'll be six inches deep
    with all the rhymes that I left.