• I can't take it any more
    I can't understand why.....
    Why if I let go
    Why does it eat me alive?

    I cant stand it
    It takes over
    I miss it
    I cant stop thinking about it

    What do you do
    When u cant get over him?
    Do you move on?
    Do you cry yourself to sleep?
    What do you do?

    I cry behind doors
    Smile around my friends
    But on the inside I'm loosing my mind

    What do you do?
    When your going insane?
    Do you pretend he still loves you?
    Do you kiss a teddy bear he gave you?
    Do you sit there and talk as if he were there?
    What do you do?
    Do you smile at his picture?
    Accidentally buy his favorite food like he's with you?
    Do you linger near your locker hoping he'll come?
    Do you wait in your secret meeting place for him?
    Do you watch him with his new girl?
    Hopelessly crying out for him?
    What do you do?