• Some say she wished to much, some say she wished to long.
    But all she really wished, was to wish that she was gone.
    She wished she could leave all those terrible themes, that kept her away from her most wanted dreams. Her name was Cassandra, she was a slave. She was worked to the bone, but was still very brave. She slept on rugs by night, she worked for thugs by day. She has flowers by her window and that was ok. Once, she was little at the the age of five, when she found a small journal by an old bee hive. She wrote in it by day, she wrote in it by night. She wrote stroies about dragons, and kindly brave nights. She helped bugs and insects when ever she could, especially when she got firewood. But her own fears and her many tears, someday changed when she was whisked away. Into a tunnel, into a train, into the sand and onto a land. When sunshine hit she could finally see, that life was beginning, and for once she was free.