• Did you know I cared
    Did you know I cried
    Did you know I was torn
    Of course you didn't, you don't care

    Your words aren't making sense
    You say that you love someone
    Called "me"

    You tell me to take your heart
    You tell me to keep it close
    Tell me to keep it a secret
    Don't worry, no one knows

    We'd kiss after school
    We'd hug when we see each other
    You waved hello
    I'd wave hello

    Your words aren't making sense
    You say that you love someone
    Called "me"

    I wondered what you meant
    Now I hear what you said
    Realizing I feel the same way
    Do you remember that day

    Do you remember the day we first met
    Do you remember now
    Do you know what you said

    There were three tiny words
    I remember

    Now the future is here
    Your words still don't make sense
    But nothing does
    Nothing does

    You waved hello
    So did I
    Love me
    You love me