• I miss the good old days
    when sex was a mystery
    when mom and dad were always right
    when boys had cooties
    and no one knew what hooking up was
    i miss playing dolls with my friends
    i miss not having a worry in the world
    I'm may be 15 but i feel so much older
    i worry about money & bills
    i worry about boys and family
    i worry about things i don't need to worry about

    don't get me wrong i love my life, i love being 15 but there are things that i dearly miss










    Remember when getting high meant swinging on the playground. The worst things you could get from boys were cooties. When mom was your hero and dad was the boy you were gonna marry. Your worst enemies were your siblings. Race issues were who ran the fastest. War was a card game, the only drug you knew of was cough medicine, and wearings skirts didn't mean you were a slut. The only thing you smoked was the tires on your bike. The only thing that hurt was skinned knees, and the only things that could get broken were your toys. Life was simple & care free, but what i remember the most was wanting to grow up.?"