• I have a wall u cannot see-
    Because its deep inside of me-

    It blackens my heart on every side-
    And it helps emotions there to hide-

    U can't reach in-
    I can't reach out-
    U wonder what it's all about...

    Each time my tender heart was hurt-
    The scars within grew worse and worse-

    So stone by stone I've built a wall-
    Thats now so thick it cannot fall...

    Please help me try to break through...!

    I want so bad to show myself...
    And LOVE from u would really help...

    So brick by brick chip at my wall...
    Thats now so thick it cannot fall...

    I've tried so hard to build the perfect wall-
    But there are still a few small flaws-
    Which is the KEY to breaking through this innner wall tomb...

    So would u please search for a crack?
    And knock each stone off it's stack?

    My eyes are swelling up with tears-
    Thinking of my childhood fears-

    So please my friend-
    BREAK down my wall-
    Though, through my errors it begins to fall...

    THE END...