• I never had friends
    I never had a bed
    never had a soul
    that could behold what I have been given,
    but now I walk slowly to the alter
    of my own dreams
    wishing and wanting a single thing;
    once I stand before the crowd
    I speak with the voice of kings
    because here and now
    I must do this thing
    or ignore that humming ring

    So, here I stand
    pushing through hardships
    and pain, just to see a single day
    where everyone can live in happiness;
    that day will never come, but who I am
    to say such a thing, the day very well might be tomorrow
    or that tomorrow very well might be today.
    So, here I stand yet again
    wanting a simple ray
    to show me such god worthy day

    Everyday of my Life
    I felt sorrow and pain
    hatred and suffering ever since a young age
    harsh words laid on my shoulders
    as eyes of judgment scorched my very soul
    leaving me wanting death or to be left alone
    but even through all that, I never felt
    the cold smoke of a dying soul
    or the will to back down
    I kept going, holding strong
    to another waking day
    because at that time along with thousands of souls,
    just seeing tomorrow was a god worthy goal