• Change.
    Some times great,
    Sometimes small.
    Change, I feel Change
    I want change

    As the New Year's bell tolls,
    And people scream and cheer
    And hold their loved ones close
    And dream of future joys and pleasure

    I sit and stare at pale white moon
    The cold black sky screams and celebrates too
    As rockets and fireworks light the night
    I sit and dream of what I might

    Pondering the new year, and it's mysteries.
    I reflect upon the pain and pleasure, of the waning year
    Watching the waxing moon, that mirrors the New Year

    I sit and wonder,
    What will be my greatest feat this year?
    Will it be my triumph over the fear?
    So I might greet the next new year,
    Holding the ones I hold dear?

    Or will it be a simple,
    reaching of a goal,
    Or finishing my hard worked dream?

    As I wonder, I feel my fear
    I feel my change
    Bubbleing, straining,
    Just under the surface,
    I hear my fear fighting the Change

    I close my eyes,
    To watch the noble figures
    Battle in stars
    Breaking and making iron bars

    My soul and I sit side by side,
    Trying to decide,
    What will it be?
    There can be only one.
    So who will win?

    The open secret of my fears,
    That fights and bites,
    Like a wild beast,
    And gaurds my timid heart.

    Or will the victor be,
    My old enemy
    The shadowed and cloaked
    Knight of Change.
    Will I finally Change,
    And embrace that which haunts me?

    Only time will tell,
    I sit in reverie
    Watching the battle,
    And the New Year begins
    And Janus, of begining and end
    Will come to me, and say
    "Which do you choose?"
    And then, only then,
    Will it be; The End.