• Dark and spinning
    Twisting and twining
    Never-ending plays of Light

    Hopelessly wandering
    Meaningfully wishing
    Wanting to break into the night
    A Dreamer forever...

    This...is my Morning Star.

    It always wonders
    Always ponders
    Trying to find Another way

    But surely breaking
    And soon enough taking
    What's left of those Broken lights
    A thief forever...

    This...is my Morning Star.

    Never lost
    Never gained
    Making sure it always stays

    No need for love
    Yet no want for loss
    No hardy fools that beggars toss

    A strange being is...my Morning Star

    A woman says her name is Mary, and that she lives by the prairie.
    It's hot in the day, still in the night.
    No Dawn Treader to sail the sky
    Not seen by my morning star.

    It's a believer of folly
    A carrier of doubt
    It shines so bright
    Every thought cast out

    The pack mule carries the spices and the clothing, the food and the water, the rum and the smoky haze makers--all for its master.
    And the master rides it through the field of green and light brown wheats.
    The day sky is blue...and white.
    Like a painting or a mural; there are no fears or worries for this traveler and his jackass.

    The night is calm, breezy, maybe cloudy but it's distant.
    There is a fear that catches you and holds fast.
    There is an eerie sense of tranquility as well.
    The stars come out of hiding, and the moon is shown well.
    When the cloud do not show, everything else does.
    Everything except for the clouds of course and...

    ...my Morning Star.

    How strange...
    How relaxing...
    How curious...
    How...something else descriptive...
    In any case it doesn't need anymore words, no matter how abstract

    Through all its Deception and all its shining Glory
    All its Toil and Indifference
    All its stubbornness to necessities of being in Existence
    It cannot be seen.

    Is it because it is mine? No, no, no, never...
    I cannot See it either.
    I just know what it is.

    That's all anyone needs to know about my Morning Star.