• Very few see the lights on the tree
    Even less hold the box of treasure
    But what I hold is something far better than either.
    I hold the longing for the season
    I love the weather, the cold, damp, precipitated weather.
    There is not a "reason" for this season
    It exists because, damn it, we make it exist.
    This is the winter, the time of hibernation and frozen doom.
    It is beautiful and humbling
    The gifts beneath the christmas tree? They aren't all that delicious, you know.
    The day outside, the warmth of an embrace in the cold gust of wind... that is the season for me.
    god? I see none, nor a son of a god, not even a religion that constitutes this season.
    This is ours, this is our beautiful... frozen christmas. I'm a little cold, will you hold me?