• It's ponitless

    What's the ponit of chasing after it
    When you know the only chanes of it being yours is only a day
    Why do I still run after it
    I know if it becomes mine again
    It will only be so and so long

    I know even if I get it back
    It would be ponitless
    It wouldn't lasted
    And if it did it would only be so long before it ends again

    One gives me hope
    One tells me to keep trying
    One tells me to believe
    ONE tells me when it happens again that it will lasted and that I need to believe that
    Why don't I believe her
    I know better I guess

    And so still yet
    I find it ponitless
    As to keep both in mind
    Soon it will come to one
    Soon I will have to chouse one
    Soon I will have to pick to believe
    Or soon I will have to pick to give up

    So what do I chouse
    What I know
    What I think
    Or what I dream

    By: Hell Dooms