• The tasks, so long ago set,
    all but one had been met.
    In order to marry his true love,
    he would have to bring her the sacred dove.
    Found only in a single place,
    there were others in on this race.
    Many men had asked for her hand,
    but none had been able to meet her demands.
    to retrieve the living, golden dove,
    and win her everlasting love.

    So he began the long journey to the dragon's keep,
    to see what riches he could reap.
    As he neared the dragon's lair,
    his courage began to break and tear.
    How could he over come this dragon so strong,
    after his tiring journey so long?

    As if to answer his fears,
    the horrible beast appeared.
    On cue, the dragon attacked,
    overpowering him with the strength he lacked.
    He would have been dead, if not for that sword;
    last wielded by Arthur, Britian's greatest lord.

    Excalibur gleamed as if recently polished,
    and because of it, the beast was demolished.
    That ancient sword, oh so old,
    still had power; still had hold.

    So, armed with the sword and golden dove,
    he returned to marry his true love.
    Together they were happily wed,
    Loving and faithful lives the have both since led.