• She has to choose...
    But either choice will hurt...
    Me and her are too close...
    Our feelings collide with one another...
    Then she falls...
    Into a pit a despair...
    One that must not be there...
    But one that is unfair...
    I look down and see her laying there...
    She must think that I don't care...
    Our feelings are mixed...
    She falls once more...
    After she has gotten up...
    She does not wish...
    A wish of a dream...
    A dream that is a nightmare...
    That haunts her every waking moments...
    She has fallen in the trap...
    And once more she is there...
    In the pit of despair...
    She has a smile to show that she is with us...
    She covers her arm with the sleeve from her jacket...
    It uncovers to show something that was make-believe...
    Something we would have never thought of...
    Our feelings collide...
    The invisible tear runs down our face...
    She still has to choose...
    But what will be her choice?