• i am nothing...nothing tangible at least, but none the less i am here.
    i have no reflection in a mirror, for a reflection is the soul and i have none.
    Many see me in tears, old and new scars; hear me in the screams of pain and remorse.
    They drudge me up from the bottom of their minds to release what is built up inside.
    Yet, some think i am a thing to tear at their eyes, throats, and hearts....
    But i am nothing...nothing tangible at least.
    i have no face, but i show up everywhere
    On the faces of mourners,quarreling loved ones, mewling infants, and unhappy children.
    They help me escape into the world of reality.
    a place where i now show up often.
    But yet i am nothing...nothing tangible at least.
    i have many names and i come in many shapes;Sorrow, Depression, Anxiety, Melancholy, morose, but the most common name i get is Sadness...
    And i am nothing...but for nothing, i have turned into something haven't I?