• I hide behind this suicide

    I turn my back against the pain

    I challenge them to look inside

    If they can see beyond the rain

    I dread the state of loneliness

    I cry myself to sleep

    I just long for your caress

    Your promise you must keep

    Your voice it whispers compromise

    It cackles beyond belief

    Soon, you’ll become something I despise

    You’ll cease to be my relief

    I walk up to the dismal gate

    I stare at the distant scene

    I think about this gloomy fate

    It makes my face start to turn green

    I stumble while climbing down the hill

    I rip my black lace glove

    I choke back my tears like jagged pills

    As I come across a dead dove

    The pitiful being looks so cold

    Its icy gaze upon the sky

    I look at it as the time unfolds

    And all I can ask is why?

    I stand upon a lonely grave

    The wind blows and shakes the trees

    I was one you could not save

    I cry and slump to my knees

    I place one hand upon the stone

    I drop the rose to the dirt

    I think of how you left me alone

    Broken promises cause so much hurt

    Your voice no longer whispers to me

    It no longer sings its song

    You and I were meant to be

    I don’t know where it went wrong

    I wander about this ramshackle town

    People stare as if I were a disease

    I keep my head high, though I’d like to put it down

    People can think as they please

    This town has changed so much

    It’s hard to believe how it was

    It’s lost all of its welcoming touch

    It seems like it doesn’t affect me, but it does

    With out you here beside me

    People turn their heads

    Ashamed of what they are forced to see

    They must not realize that we all wind up dead

    I walk down the main street of the city

    I pass the restaurants and shops

    I receive stares of what I know is unrepressed pity

    They come from the familiar eyes of the local cops

    I try to hide my look of sorrow

    But it’s so hard to make it less obvious

    I know people wonder if I'll be here tomorrow

    I almost laugh at how people can be so oblivious

    At times I wish the whole world was blind

    So they could not see my tears

    I know for a fact that I would not mind

    If not even I could see my fears

    I lay awake staring at the stars

    Thinking of how things were before

    I listen to the sounds of the far-off cars

    Through my mind the thoughts of us soar

    I close my eyes and listen to the night

    It’s so peaceful deep within this yard

    To most people this state of mind would cause fright

    But to me its something I don’t like to disregard

    I let the night take me over

    Not caring what happens anymore

    To my chest I hold a clover

    This had become a frequent lore