• Time moves in a steady pace,
    But for me it seems to accellerate.
    I've dreamt so long of leaving,
    But now there's no one to come back to,
    No one to hold the fort in my absence.

    A rush, a wave of sorrow washed over me
    As I realised that all that is familiar
    Is slowly, but surely, leaving me,
    Where tonight the silence is deafening,
    In this place I've known for so long.

    I'm looking foreward to the future,
    But I keep looking back to my memories,
    The good and the bad,
    All that's made me who I am now.

    I'll leave soon, I can almost taste it,
    And I hope those memories will be sweeter.
    I know I'll look back to the old as I leave,
    And be thankful for every second of it,
    But I'll never come back.