• I want you close to me again
    I want to hear your voice
    I want to feel your breathe against me

    I want you to be mine
    I want to be the one you whisper sweet nothings to
    I want to be the one you hold close

    I want to be the one you cherish
    I want to be the one you never want to let go
    I want to be the one who everyone is jealous of

    I want to be the one you hold close
    I want to be the one you never want to leave
    I want to be the one who gets to hear your voice everyday

    I want to be the one who you want agree to marry you
    Who you exchange i do's with
    And the one who always has you by their side

    But mostly
    I want to be the one for you
    Never leaving your side

    Never letting you go
    Never leaving you alone
    And never having to be jealous of someone else who gets to hold you in their arms

    i want to be the girl that you whisper "I love you and i always will..." to..........
    i want to be yours again......