• Her Beauty

    Unmatched... by the very SUN itself,
    She is the driving FORCE that causes the mind to think.
    Her sunkissed skin harolds the majority of heavenly hosts,
    With one utterence from her kind lips,
    Whole nations stop and stare in awe....
    Her touch alon can.... change the very soul,
    It.. INSPIRES IT to spark.
    For the slighest of reasons, no words made on this earth come even close..
    To.. describing the very things that boggle the minds of the experts of love,
    This.. God-given talented girl is more than humbled by her success.
    Once her momentum has begun, there is NO denying her... essence.
    The hate this world bringd might phase her,
    Yet she is never, NEVER detoured!!!!
    She loves her God and everything he has done to AND for her.
    And where do I fit???
    I try to make a positive difference in her life, cause I'm smart.
    Be I a man or simply male.
    I want NOTHING MORE NOR LESS, than her happiness.
    If I hadn't. I would have been doomed from the start.
    For u see, only a true fool would conflict with on chosen by God, Yet...
    SHE IS MORE THAN THAT, she is HIS very voice.
    The mirror of His grace and the reflection of His beauty.
    God... bless this astonishing girl....
    For she has forced my world to....
    STOP... STARE... WAIT... CALM... and ... LISTEN to her passion.
    Realizing that her beauty is more than this mere world can fathom.
    And no box, heaven or earthly made,
    Will EVER be fit to hold this QUEEN,
    And... the indivdiuality that is the reality of...

    A poem by Thomas "Teddy Bear" Bailey