• Who wants to exist?
    Why exist? Why feel alive?
    Why feel the beat of your heart if it’ll die and so will you?
    Do you have something to achieve? Why achieve it?
    An ambition that will die with time.
    Do you have something to fight? Why fight it?
    Combat that will be without reason.
    Do you want to learn? Why learn?
    Wisdom that goes further without a goal.
    Do you want love? What for?
    Love that is felt,
    Like the beat of one’s heart or the fall of one’s tears,
    Love that is a worthless fortune to some.
    These trinkets and treasure that people live for,
    The very life that we all breathe and think and love,
    Is a triviality to some.
    To know such ambitions and have some of your own,
    To feel the drive of competition and compete for all you’re worth,
    To understand the story of the world like it is your own,
    To know what power love holds,
    And to be able to turn one’s back on it all,
    Beyond space and time and life, without any reason,
    And only not exist,
    Not fully existent, not knowing one’s self,
    But none the less, wanting to exist, and not know why or how.
    To want to exist because it’s all there is,
    But wanting to know why and how one should exist,
    Is trying to find something that needn’t be found.
    To exist, out of what ever it may be,
    Is something of beauty and worth,
    And even those who are “existent” can understand why,
    And that the best thing to do is simply exist,
    Not even asking questions and finding the answers,
    And existing.