• Old demons can around at any time
    And try to pull you down, and relive the past once more
    But you know the past is over, only the future remains

    Stay Strong
    You got to stay strong,
    Hold on, grip on to reality
    You have beaten them before, and you can do it again
    Stay Strong

    Situations can sometimes wear you down,
    And remind you of things that have happened once before
    You don't want any repeat preformences
    And you know that dwelling on the past only causes pain

    So, stay strong
    You got to stay strong,
    Hold on, grip on to reality
    You have beaten them before, and you can do it again
    Stay Strong

    You may begin to slip, but you can refuse to give in
    Everyone gets caught up with their past, every once a while
    But you know you can pull yourself back up
    On your feet, standing firm, standing strong

    Stay Strong
    You got to stay strong,
    Hold on, grip on to reality
    You have beaten them before, and you can do it again
    Stay Strong

    Just stay strong!
    Stay Strong