• Can't you see?
    cant you see that this is only the beginning?
    only the beginning, will this ever end?
    I don't believe you see
    prove it to me
    it's in front of your face, you glance, and say nothing
    you need to see the problems you caused
    fix this, or see me die inside
    what you see is only the facade
    see past my cover,
    look at the story
    then read between the lines
    see the lines there?
    they are because of you, not for you
    you ask what's wrong
    don't ask
    find the source,
    it's you
    you caused this
    don't ask whats wrong
    the girl you're with
    I ignore her
    she is no good
    what does she give you that I didn't
    I gave you everything
    I gave you truth
    I gave you my love
    all I got was stories
    I know now
    that I wasn't worth the truth
    so don't say you are sorry
    keep your apologies
    keep your pity
    I don't want it
    I don't need it
    for pity I have my friends
    for apologies I have my razor
    don't you see this is only the beginning?
    you caused this
    now end it
    or I will
    finish it
    or you wont get a reply
    only a meek nod
    or a cold shoulder
    your girl will get absolutely nothing
    from me
    all she will get
    a glare
    a growl
    nothing more
    nothing less
    fix this
    I have my razor for pity
    I have my razor for apologies
    with blood running down my arm,
    will you stop it?
    or will it take more?
    deeper cuts?
    longer cuts?
    pick your choice
    or I will
    can't you see this?
    can't you see this is ONLY the beginning?
    this wont end until you end it
    or I will end it