• Midnight Forest

    This place...is beautiful
    My mind is lost in thought
    Peaceful, quiet, my eyes are calm
    My soul yearning to never leave this place...this feeling

    Trees are speaking to me
    Telling me of the wind and the rain
    Of the sky and the stars
    Stars, as magnificent as they are
    Are burning bright, they color the sky

    Oh peaceful lake, you tell me of the moon
    when he comes from the sky
    At the darkest hour of night
    To take his midnight swims in your depths

    Marvelous wind, you are mystifying
    Every time you breathe, the forest dances for you
    Moving with your every wave of life
    You amaze me with your gracefulness
    Your hypnotizing power

    This night is breath taking
    Its beauty captures every eye
    Taking with it, their minds as well
    As for mine, they belong to the forest and all its wonders

    As i sit here and marvel at the site
    Slowly drifting into sleeps clouds
    Enticing me to come and play
    I leave midnight forest, heading for the sky...
    To fly with the stars

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