• I. Under.

    You were beautiful.
    I never noticed that when I was

    You may have thought you looked wild.
    But you weren't.
    You weren't.
    You were so beautiful...

    II. Before & After.

    You kissed me good luck instead of goodbye.
    You left me in the alleyway.
    I wanted you to.
    I didn't want you to see.
    See my insides.
    See what bound me to this parasite of flesh.

    So I sent you away.
    Sent you to buy sweets and cakes
    that we could share after the operation.
    You were so happy when you left...
    But so nervous...

    And when you came back
    you looked so sad.
    So devastated.
    You clung to by body
    and my soul clung to you.