• you left me here
    standing all alone
    wondring why i even tried

    when i needed you most
    you turned your back
    and now i question why
    i thought you change
    be the one that i could trust
    and show me that your different
    and not like all the rest
    but now i see that i was wrong

    now your face lingers in my mind
    reminding me how everything used to be
    how i used to love
    the way you said my name
    but now i hate the way it sounds

    what could could have happened
    to make things this way
    everything started out good
    you said nothing in the world
    could ever make you go away

    then one day you left me
    and this is where i am today
    wondering all these questions
    thinking bout the past
    wishing things were different
    and that things could go back
    to the way ...
    that they ..
    were before