• Death be not for him,
    Even now as his body crumbled
    Underneath the falling rubble
    His heart would not swallow.
    The pain and the ache
    That would be left over after the quake
    Of the Earth would be over.
    For the people in this building would no longer see their lovers'
    And instead they would only see each other
    As their loved ones was sent to the stars above
    Never again to know the joy such as love.
    Alas, these people cry, what is it they see
    But a torn up body lying under the tree.
    Barely breathing and barely alive
    He can barely see out of the corner of his eye
    The woman he has loved ever since he could remember
    Struck with grief as he was about to lose her.
    He sat up as she cried
    Into his bloodstained shirt as he layed there and died.
    She barely made out his last words for they were in a whisper.
    He had said, "Alice, my love, I wish you here
    With me as I go up to the stars above.
    Please my love,
    Please find someone
    Who will love you and cherish you like I did
    And do the one thing I could not and that is
    To grow old with you and die in your loving arms."
    He then fell silent as she knew
    He was now dead to all, even you.