• i never really understood anything around me
    and i always tried my best to grasp what was going on
    but when i saw her face that monday morning on the way to school
    none of that seemed to matter
    the fight that my parents had
    my friend in the hospital
    when she crossed my path all i could do was stop and stare
    from that day on it seemed like no matter where i was,
    i could feel what she felt
    her pain, her happiness, her fears, her dreams
    this oneness with someone i didn't even know felt so surreal
    unlike anything ever experienced before
    day by day i would see her
    sitting under that tree focused on her book, or her work
    sometimes even both
    she was always alone wrapped up in what she was doing
    and it seemed like everything around her had just stopped
    unfazed by the happenings around her
    she never lost focus
    whether there be a fight nearby, or just some random happening during school
    there were some instances where she would look up as if shocked by something,
    the look on her face was one of confusion as she would look around her
    but soon she was back to her work as if nothing happened.
    those dark brown eyes, her long black hair, those delicate hands,
    nothing in my world made sense to me
    but the one thing i was sure of was this strange feeling

    its been a few weeks now
    my dad got a new job so our family had to move with him
    starting over is so hard
    i was always an outsider no matter where i went
    but it wasnt because people didnt like me
    i guess it was because i always hid myself away from everyone
    i never really had any friends before
    so to hide the pain i threw myself into my school work
    i thought it was gonna be the same story here
    but on the way to school i felt something
    something so abnormal
    i didnt know what it was but...
    somehow i liked it
    everyday i would go to the same spot during breaks
    to either catch up on some reading, do homework, or just write
    this feeling never went away
    it was alive
    this warm feeling was the only thing that kept me going
    my life was never a satisfying one
    my parents never thought i was good enough
    there was no one i could ever talk to
    someone out there wanted me in their lives
    but i could not ever imagine who
    i didnt really know anyone at all
    nothing in my world ever made sense to me
    but the one thing i was sure of was this strange feeling