• "We won't turn to dust"
    Plasters on lips of hopeless
    Wash the slight
    And let mercy's vail conceal the wounds

    "In Life we lose
    "In Death we fail"

    Lost (In shallow life)
    Confused (To death)
    Delicately Infatuated;
    Comatose State;
    Lacuna Coil

    Drowned in a shattering abyss of decay
    Deeply suffocated under the immense unfathomable
    Delayed (In flight)
    Numb with the sheet of ice for comfort
    That engrosses the internal soul

    "Requiem, and let the heart see full"

    Crystal eyes of innocence left to rot within a mask of concrete faces
    Mold and dried from years over
    A mangled imposer of fate
    But eyes of frailty never the less
    Marked by immorality and flaw

    A single rose, withered in turn
    With wings of angelic plums
    Fall from grace
    Corrupted in black ink
    Dips the holy name

    Hearts may flutter and spirits may soar
    For moments temptation to stay for awhile
    And satisfied tears for lure

    Venom kisses scattered abroad
    While poison sinks
    And heat rises

    ...In lust they fall

    For Angels love
    And Angels lose

    The longing dismay of the angel's last stay
    Will blacken any heart to shore.

    The last words of a dying heart quip softly in the moonless night.

    "...We won't turn to dust..."