• Heart shaking
    Body quaking
    The fear of being hurt
    Is now overtaking

    Trying to build a wall
    Back up around this heart
    Fresh wounds appearing
    Ripping the seams apart

    Walking out into the night
    Asking to make amends
    Struggling inside with a fight
    The falling apart now begins

    Walls are crumbling down
    As if made of mush
    It took years, but only took
    A heartbeat to crush

    Deep inside there is a
    Sinking feeling
    My heart begging me to
    Start healing

    Make it just disappear
    I betray myself
    Letting in this fear
    And now asking of help

    The same sad song
    Repeating again
    Stitching up the
    Pieces to mend

    My heartbeat grows
    Faint once more
    Closed behind a
    wall, sealed beyond
    a door.