• Is this the way love goes?
    You are so far away, I cannot touch you
    I cannot hear your heart or feel it beat
    My heart aches with the loneliness, please cure it
    I love you dearly, you make me weep
    With joy or sadness, I do not know
    You make me worry over how you fare
    If you are ill, then my heart stops for a moment
    Until I can reassure myself that you will be okay
    But the thoughts of losing you are dark
    Darker than any nightmare that has reduced me to fears
    My tears for you never cease, in fear, joy, and loneliness
    Is this the way love goes?
    I cannot focus on what lies ahead of me
    My mind is always returning to the thoughts of you
    I am like a broken record player, you are my only song
    My heart sings you constantly, like a song on the radio
    You are stuck in my head, but this I don’t mind
    Our love is a song I want to sing until I die
    Is this the way love goes?
    When I look in the mirror and feel bad of myself
    I remember that you think I’m beautiful
    And that is enough for me to smile at my reflection
    Any thought of you makes my day brighter
    When you speak to me I am skipping for hours after
    I cannot stop smiling when I say your name
    People wonder who is it that made her so childlike again
    Is this the way love goes?
    When I speak to you, odd things come out
    I cannot speak in complete sentences around you
    You hold my tongue, close my throat, stop my heartbeat
    Yet you understand everything I try to say, and love me for it
    No matter the foolish things I say, you are delighted
    Where others would tease, you are amused
    I begin to think that you are where I belong
    Is this the way love goes?